*World News
*Ham Radio News
*Repeater Search
*Current Weather
*Bulletin Board
*EMAIL (with Attachments)
*File Sharing
*Trivia Game
*HamWorlds (City Building Game)
*Cloud & Offline Message Store & Forward
ALL over Ham Radio using the amazing FLDigi as a software modem
Software License
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Download the Radio Internet Interface Quick Start Guide
Looking to try the program out with a friend, or have a RII Server within RF Range?
Download the Radio Internet Interface Client/Repeater v0.99.8
Looking to setup and host an Internet Connected Digital Repeater?
Download the Radio Internet Interface Server v0.99.8
Looking to Extend the functionality of your RII Client or Server?
Download The Radio Internet Interface Remote v0.99
Want to make sure the RII Programs & FLDigi stay running after a crash?
Download The Radio Internet Interface Watchdog v1
A Simple UI for Everyone
Internet Data over HF/VHF/UHF
A simple yet powerful program that allows ham radio operators access to critical internet based functions. With Email, BBS, File Server, message forwarding, Over The Air Chat built in and much more!
How often are there updates to the App?
Updates to the software will happen as more ideas get implemented. Stay Tuned
Last Updated September 29th 2024
What's the Remote App for?
The Radio Internet Interface Remote App can be used to remotely control the radio internet Interface Server or Client via LAN or Wifi.... very handy when outside the Ham Shack.
The RII Remote App also features a Messaging section that friends and family (anyone really) can use to send and receive messages via the RII Cloud Messaging Pool. Amateur Operators can send and receive those messages via RF using the RII Client when in radio range of any RII Server.
Sounds Interesting, but what does these programs actually do?
The RII Server is an Internet Connected digital data ham radio chat and File Repeater. Used in conjunction with the RII Client, the Clients can use a radio to access:
Cloud Based Message Store and Forwarding
Over The Air chat room with Chat Repeater
Email over RF With File Attachments
Internet Searches
World News
Ham Radio News
Repeater Search
Current Weather
File Sharing
File Repeater
Bulletin Board System
Trivia Game
HamWorlds City Building Game
Remote App that hams and non-hams alike can use to pass messages
NEW The RII client now hosts a Repeater/Range Extender option (No Internet Necessary)
NEW The RII Watchdog Keeps Programs running in case of a crash.
More Ideas to be implemented soon.
Have an idea for the application? Let me know KM6WYE@GMAIL.COM